Page 86 - Pig production Romania
P. 86
1. Aspect Climate & Water available
Requirements for temperature are for commercial pig farming. For example, a minimum winter temperature above -5 is not constrained
(score=1) while a lowest temperature below -25 is very unfavourable.
The water availability (required for local production of feed crops e.g. maize, sunflower and soya) is composed of listed indicators.
A precipitation between 700 and 1100 is considered optimal (i.e. no constrain), below 250 is very unfavourable unless water from other
sources are available (proximity of rivers and lakes, presence of aquifers or irrigation). Humidity is assumed to be optimal between 75
and 90%, since this assumption is not very strong the weight and influence of humidity is low. Both temperature factors and water
availability have equal weight.
For the aspect “Land characteristics and use” the listed indicators are used. Some indicators are excluding (e.g. lakes) and some
indicators constrain depending on their values. For example croplands are not constrained above 25% of the grid area but become
increasingly (linear) constrained at lower percentages. For maize area the threshold is 2000 ha (about 25%), locations without maize are
limited constrained (because of other crops). Presence of croplands is considered important (high weight). Regarding soil, each gridcell
(~10x10km) has only one category (e.g. clay). No constrains are considered for clay, sand and loam.
Meat production ASF National potential Regional potential Conclusions References Contact Annex 1 Annex 2 Annex 3 Annex 4 86