Page 72 - Pig production Romania
P. 72

II. Historical evolution and (baseline) prospects for the

          Romanian sector

           Summary:                                                       II.4. Conclusions
           In the case of the ‘BUA’ situation, Romanian
           prices (RO) are expected to follow a similar                   Summary and interpretation of key findings:
           trend to prices in key players such as Spain                   Although at present prices are high due to the global ASF crisis, for the
           (ES), the Netherlands (NL) and Germany (DE).                   long run (>5 years onward), the Romanian pig sector faces a period of
           In general terms, pig meat prices are expected                 declining prices, in line with the dynamic of prices in international
           to slightly increase until 2021 and slowly                     markets. At EU level, the market is about to be saturated, which
           decline in the period to 2030. Nevertheless,                   intensifies competition and increases the sensitivity and risks related to
           prices in Romania will remain high compared                    developments (demand, price, competitors) in the world market for pig
           to other key countries in the EU, being around                 meat. Domestic pig meat consumption per capita is expected to
           EUR 155/100kg by 2030. Outside the EU,                         stabilise, although there are still opportunities for domestic expansion
           declining prices in the US will negatively affect              since the country is not self-sufficient and relies heavily on imported
           the competitiveness of the European                            production.
           production in the international market. Since
           Romania relies notably on imports of pig meat,
           ‘non-EU’ factors that do not lead to price
           increases within the EU will not impose
           considerable pressure on the country when
           meeting domestic consumption.

                                       Meat production  ASF  National potential  Regional potential  Conclusions  References  Contact  Annex 1  Annex 2  Annex 3  Annex 4  72
   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77